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THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH JAMES CORDEN Gets a New Logo, Announces First Guests

The latest version of The Late Late Show kicks off in less than a month, and in advance of James Corden's hosting debut, CBS unveiled a new logo for the late-night show.

"We are really pleased with the logo," The Late Late Show executive producer Ben Winston told Variety. "It retains a tradition of late night, but gives it an exciting vibe. It also allows us flexibility to use different colors for different uses."

The handwritten LATEs in the new logo are an interesting choice. The color gives a 1990s vibe, but the rest of the logo is pretty modern.

Corden makes his The Late Late Show debut on March 23, ending weeks of guest hosts helming the show since Craig Ferguson stepped down in December. Tom Hanks, Kerry Washington, Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart will be among Corden's first guests.
THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH JAMES CORDEN Gets a New Logo, Announces First Guests Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/21/2015 Rating: 5

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