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Dwayne Johnson Fights an Earthquake in SAN ANDREAS Poster

Remember when Dwayne Johnson tried to be a family movie star? We got movies like The Game Plan and Tooth Fairy. Yeah, you had forgotten about Tooth Fairy. Johnson probably hopes you'll forget it again. Thankfully, the artist formerly known as The Rock ditched those movies for a career of action flicks.

The next movie in that phase of his Johnson's career is San Andreas. If you haven't seen the trailer for San Andreas yet, it's pretty much Johnson versus an earthquake that destroys the West Coast. He has to rescue his wife and daughter too.

Check out Johnson fighting that earthquake in the poster the actor released over his Twitter account on Monday.

San Andreas stars Johnson, Carla GuginoAlexandra DaddarioPaul Giamatti, Colton HaynesArchie Panjabi, Ioan Gruffudd and Kylie Minogue. The movie opens on May 29.
Dwayne Johnson Fights an Earthquake in SAN ANDREAS Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 3/09/2015 Rating: 5

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