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BOX OFFICE REPORT (NOV. 2-3): 'Wreck-It Ralph' Destroys Disney's Animation Records

1. Wreck-It Ralph (N)
$49.10 million ($49.10 million)
Usually when Disney has an animated movie that sets a box office record, it's one of Pixar's films. Wreck-It Ralph didn't reach Pixar levels, but it still debuted to the highest opening weekend of any non-Pixar Disney animated movie. We can expect Wreck-It Ralph to stick around near the top of the box office charts for a few weeks, as the next big animated movie, Rise of the Guardians, doesn't hit theaters until Nov. 20.

Don't expect Wreck-It Ralph to hold onto the top spot next weekend though. Skyfall finally hits America this upcoming Friday, and the latest James Bond installment has broken numerous international box office records already.

2. Flight (N)
$25.01 million ($25.01 million)
Flight's $25.01 million was the fifth biggest opening of Denzel Washington's career, coming in a few million dollars behind 2006's Inside Man. Washington's performance in Flight should earn the actor his his fourth Oscar nomination for Best Actor. Director Robert Zemeckis could've made the film itself stronger by cutting the final ten minutes or so, but, overall, Flight deserves the box office reception it got. Definitely worth the watch.

3. Argo (1)
$10.25 million ($75.90 million)
After debuting to a smaller box office number than The Town, Argo is now outperforming Ben Affleck's last outing as a director. The Oscar favorite's $75.90 million is catching up to The Town lifetime gross of $92.18 million, and should get an extra push when the Academy announces its 2013 nominees.

4. The Man with the Iron Fists (N)
$8.22 million ($8.22 million)
The Man with the Iron Fists' $8.22 million would've possibly won a weekend had it debuted a few weeks ago. With a stronger overall box office, though, it was only able to muster a fourth-place finish.

5. Taken 2 (5)
$6.00 million ($125.67 million)
In its fifth weekend, Taken 2 is a few million dollars short of Taken's lifetime gross, making it likely that the sequel will eventually pass its predecessor.

Next week's predictions:
1. Skyfall
2. Wreck-It Ralph
3. Argo
4. Flight
5. The Man with the Iron Fists

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (NOV. 2-3): 'Wreck-It Ralph' Destroys Disney's Animation Records Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/04/2012 Rating: 5

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