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'Agents of SHIELD' Star Chloe Bennet Tells a Joke (in Her Underwear)

Agents of SHIELD star Chloe Bennet is in the latest issue of Esquire, appearing in the magazine's "Funny Joke From A Beautiful Woman" feature.

A French spy, a German spy, and an Italian spy are captured, have their hands bound, and are interrogated. After two hours, the French spy gives up all his secrets. After four, the German spy tells the captors everything.

After 24 hours, the Italian spy still won't talk and is thrown into a cell with the others. The German and French spies, impressed, ask him how he managed not to cave.

The Italian spy replies, "I wanted to, but I couldn't move my hands."

Is Bennet's joke all that funny? Well, that's up to you. I have a hunch this feature is just Esquire's excuse to get attract female celebrities in their underwear ...

'Agents of SHIELD' Star Chloe Bennet Tells a Joke (in Her Underwear) Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/26/2014 Rating: 5

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