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'X-Men: Apocalypse' Will Star Both 'First Class' and Original Cast Members

Before we get any deeper into this article, here's your warning that there are going to be X-Men: Days of Future Past spoilers.

OK, let's get down to business. With X-Men: Days of Future Past hitting the reset button on the X-Men cinematic universe and wiping the slate clean, any future X-Men movies have a pretty open world to play in.

We've known for awhile now that X-Men: Apocalypse, the next movie in the franchise, would focus on the X-Men: First Class cast as the story moved into the 1980s. It seemed like James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and Nicholas Hoult (and maybe Hugh Jackman again) would be the new foundation of the X-Men franchise, with Days of Future Past serving as the farewell for Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan and the rest of the original cast.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Days of Future Past writer and producer Simon Kinberg revealed that the older generation of stars weren't gone just yet.

"[X-Men: Apocalypse] will focus primarily on the First Class cast," Kinberg said, "but it will certainly have some of the original cast involved, too."

Interesting. I'm very curious to see how Kinberg and Bryan Singer (who Kinberg confirmed would be back to direct) will weave any of the X-Men franchise's original cast into the next film. Days of Future Past did open things up in a way that characters we saw later in the timeline could now play a role in an earlier place, but that should still mean that a younger actor would have to play those characters.
'X-Men: Apocalypse' Will Star Both 'First Class' and Original Cast Members Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/26/2014 Rating: 5

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