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Quicksilver Isn't Eating Bacon in This New 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Image

My initial excitement over X-Men: Days of Future Past has waned over the past few weeks. I found the most recent trailer to be underwhelming and everything I've seen featuring this movie's version of Quicksilver makes me worried. For some reason, director Bryan Singer and crew have decided that this Quicksilver dyes his hair weird colors, has goggles and wears a bunch of silver-colored clothing. Not quite the comics version. And not quite what Joss Whedon is doing with Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

After Carl's Jr. turned up the "Quicksilver is a joke" volume with their new commercial featuring the mutant, Entertainment Weekly debuted a frame from X-Men: Days of Future Past with Quicksilver, Wolverine and the young versions of Magneto and Charles Xavier in it.

It's not any better than what we've already seen.

"The way we conceived [Quicksilver] is a sort of an ADD kid," producer/writer Simon Kinberg told EW. "Everything he does is just popping and zipping around. He doesn't take anything seriously. He's not in a situation for more than a few seconds. So it infused the movie with an energy that was really useful for us."

So having ADD is a superpower? I guess that's one way to go. Kinberg also talked about how both the X-Men and Avengers franchise are using Quicksilver, saying, "After we made that decision [to use the character], we heard that Joss wanted to use Quicksilver for Avengers. I think it's kind of cool that Quicksilver is gonna be in two movies, and it will be cool to see different versions of him."

From what I've heard, Fox was originally going to use a young Juggernaut in what eventually became Quicksilver's role, only switching when they got word that Disney/Marvel Studios was planning on using Quicksilver, a character both studios have rights to. Real nice, Fox.
Quicksilver Isn't Eating Bacon in This New 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Image Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/10/2014 Rating: 5

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