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Battle of the 'Spider-Man' Posters: Does Spider-Man Love Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy More?

Let's face it, Gwen Stacy got a bad deal in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. Even though she was Peter Parker's first true love in the comics (and arguably the woman Parker has longed for the rest of his life), Stacy was skipped over in favor the flashier Mary Jane Watson, played by Kirsten Dusnst. Bryce Dallas Howard did play Gwen in Spider-Man 3, but we don't talk about that movie. Seriously. Shut your mouth.

Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man wants to set things right with Gwen Stacy though, casting Emma Stone to be the girl Andrew Garfield's Parker chases. From everything I've seen from this movie so far, Webb and his team figured out Gwen perfectly. This week, Sony released another poster for The Amazing Spider-Man, this one putting the relationship between Spider-Man and Gwen front and center. I was immediately reminded of Spider-Man 2's iconic Sacrifice poster, which featured Mary Jane in the arms of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. So, who did it better?

I'm a big fan of this new Amazing Spider-Man poster, but you just can't compete with the Spider-Man 2 poster. I've had that poster hanging in whatever dorm, apartment or house I've lived in since Spider-Man 2 hit theaters. It's an epic poster. The Gwen Stacy poster for The Amazing Spider-Man is really cool, but a quiet moment between the two just doesn't compare to Spider-Man swinging toward Doc Ock with Mary Jane in his arms.
Battle of the 'Spider-Man' Posters: Does Spider-Man Love Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy More? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/14/2012 Rating: 5

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