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Psy Teaches Britney Spears the 'Gangnam Style' Dance

Britney Spears and Simon Cowell were on Ellen on Monday to promote the new season of X-Factor when Ellen DeGeneres surprised Spears with a dance lesson. It wasn't just any dance lesson, though — it was Korean pop culture sensation Psy, the man now best known for Gangnam Style. Earlier in the summer, Spears had tweeted that she wanted someone to teach her the dance from the Gangnam Style video, and who better to do such a thing than Psy himself.

So, quick story. When I was home in August for the wedding of two friends, the groom-to-be showed us the Gangnam Style music video, joking (I think joking? He may have been serious) that we should do the dance at their wedding. This was probably a week or two before Gangnam Style completely blew up in America, so we laughed at the video and at the groom-to-be, pointing out that we had never even heard of Gangnam Style. Well, it looks like he was just ahead of the curve.

Psy Teaches Britney Spears the 'Gangnam Style' Dance Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/11/2012 Rating: 5

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