Bar Refaeli's GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial Is Pure Nerd Fantasy
GoDaddy released its Super Bowl commercial a few days before the big game, and (as promised) it features Bar Refaeli not in "racy attire." She does make out with a the human-version of a cartoon nerd, though, all while Danica Patrick stands there and watches.
If you're an intelligent guy who maybe also like superheroes or comic books and happens to be good at computers, you're now being typecast as a nerd. I blame CBS and The Big Bang Theory for making this kind of person a caricature. TBS's King of the Nerds show doesn't help either. Unfortunately, GoDaddy is encouraging this idea too with this commercial. I'm sure very few of the tech experts at that company look anything like this guy.
Check out the commercial for yourself after the jump.
If you're an intelligent guy who maybe also like superheroes or comic books and happens to be good at computers, you're now being typecast as a nerd. I blame CBS and The Big Bang Theory for making this kind of person a caricature. TBS's King of the Nerds show doesn't help either. Unfortunately, GoDaddy is encouraging this idea too with this commercial. I'm sure very few of the tech experts at that company look anything like this guy.
Check out the commercial for yourself after the jump.
Bar Refaeli's GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial Is Pure Nerd Fantasy
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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