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Zack Snyder Tweets A New Pic of the Batmobile From 'Batman v Superman'

With a bunch of paparazzi shots of the new Batmobile showing up on Instagram, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder took to Twitter to show the world what Batman's new ride really looks like.

"Here's a real picture of the #Batmobile," Snyder tweeted, including a picture of a heavily armored Batmoble.

This is the best look at the new Batmobile that Snyder's given us so far. He's previously tweeted pics of the back of the vehicle and the vehicle in the background of the first shot of Ben Affleck in the Batsuit. Both of those pics were super desaturated.

Now how about a non-desaturdated pic of Batman and Superman together?
Zack Snyder Tweets A New Pic of the Batmobile From 'Batman v Superman' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/10/2014 Rating: 5

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