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'Kick-Ass' and 'X-Men: First Class' Director Matthew Vaughn Might Direct Harrison Ford in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

This is going to happen a lot over the next few months, but I'm going to pass along Star Wars: Episode VII updates and rumors as they come along. I'm excited not only for a new Star Wars trilogy but to also be able to experience it through this website and Twitter. Could you imagine what Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace would've been like if we had Twitter back then?

The big Episode VII rumor of the day comes from Collider, who possibly broke the news that Matthew Vaughn is in talks with Lucasfilm about directing the Star Wars sequel. Collider wasn't able to confirm the news, but the pieces do seem to fit together. Despite garnering a lot of praise for X-Men: First Class, Vaughn dropped out of directing X-Men: Days of Future Past last week. Most people assumed it was to move onto a different project, but it looks like the director could have stepped away from that sequel to take on a much, much bigger sequel.

Vaughn would be a good choice to direct Episode VII. I almost included him in my Directors Who Should Lead the Next Generation of Star Wars Movies articles last week, but left him out when I made the cut at five names. He's proven himself with small films like Layer Cake and big franchise films like X-Men: First Class.

So how about Harrison Ford? He was included this headline and has his picture as the banner art for a reason, right?

Like Mark Hamill, Ford is much, much older than he was when Star Wars kicked off back in 1977. Fans need to ask themselves if they really want to see Luke Skywalker and Han Solo as old men. That said, Ford may be open to returning to the film series that made him famous, according to an Entertainment Weekly report on Monday.
Harrison Ford is open to the idea of bringing Han Solo back to life on the silver screen in 2015, according to sources close to the just-announced Star Wars sequel, but don’t be surprised if his contract includes a mandatory death scene for the sly old space smuggler. 
“Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” said one highly placed source, referring to Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher, the trio that made a hyper-speed jump to global fame on May 25, 1977, the opening night for George Lucas’s original Star Wars film.
Obviously this isn't Ford signing on. It's not even close. It's something though ... but is it something we want to see?

All in all, this is a lot of news for a movie that had only existed for a week. I have a hunch that Episode VII has been in the works much longer than George Lucas, Bob Iger or anyone at Lucasfilm is letting on. Lucasfilm had to keep this quiet, but Hamill and others have known about this since the summer. Three years isn't a lot of time to pull something of this magnitude off.
'Kick-Ass' and 'X-Men: First Class' Director Matthew Vaughn Might Direct Harrison Ford in 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/05/2012 Rating: 5

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