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Maybe Christian Bale Is Going to Play Steve Jobs After All

Back in March, we learned that David Fincher wanted Christian Bale to star in Sony's Steve Jobs movie. When talks between Sony and Fincher fell apart, we assumed that Bale was out of the running for the movie too. It turns out that Bale is still the favorite for the role.

In the wake of Leonardo DiCaprio leaving the project, Steve Jobs director Danny Boyle and Sony now want Bale to play the iconic Apple founder, The Hollywood Reporter wrote on Wednesday. The actor and studio are in talks, with it sounding like Steve Jobs will be Bale's next project.

According to THR, Sony has also considered Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Bradley Cooper for the role. Those would all be fine picks, but I've been on board with Bale playing Steve Jobs since his name was first floated for the role in March. I'm glad DiCaprio exited the project — it's very hard for him to disappear into a role, which would have distracted from the authenticity of the movie.

Aaron Sorkin is writing the screenplay for Steve Jobs based on Walter Isaacson's biography of the same name.
Maybe Christian Bale Is Going to Play Steve Jobs After All Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/15/2014 Rating: 5

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