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First Poster for Neill Blomkamp's CHAPPIE Mixes Robots, Baby Blocks and Bling

Chappie's got a gun. The first poster for director Neill Blomkamp's upcoming film debuted on Monday, showing off a robot who appears to have made some poor life choices. That makes sense, of course, when you consider what Chappie's about.

After being kidnapped by two criminals during birth, Chappie becomes the adopted son in a strange and dysfunctional family. Chappie is preternaturally gifted, one of a kind, a prodigy. He also happens to be a robot.

I loved Blomkamp's District 9, but wasn't all that impressed with Elysium, his follow-up movie. Hopefully Chappie finds Blomkamp back in the realm of District 9

Chappie stars Blomkamp regular Sharlto Copley (who voices the robot) along with Hugh Jackman, Dev Patel and Sigourney Weaver. The movie opens on March 6, 2015.
First Poster for Neill Blomkamp's CHAPPIE Mixes Robots, Baby Blocks and Bling Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/03/2014 Rating: 5

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