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Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg Deal with Dirtbags at the MTV Movie Awards

I'm pretty sure that most of the awards that MTV gives out are given out to people who agree to show up to their awards shows. Yeah, Jennifer Lawrence won a couple at the MTV Movie Awards, but it would've been hard for MTV to ignore the Hunger Games audience. The MTV Movie Award for Best Dirtbag is another story though. Jennifer Aniston, the only "nominee" actually at the awards show, won this one. Mmmhhmmm ...

Anyways, Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg presented this award (while promoting their upcoming film, Ted). Right before Kunis started talking, someone yelled something from the audience. I'm not quite sure what it was. It may have been "Take it off!" or something along those lines. Kunis responded with a "Really?" I'm was a bit shocked that Wahlberg didn't jump into the audience, offering only an "Excuse me? What did he say?" followed by a joke about Russell Brand, the show's host.

MTV reports that Wahlberg decided to let the incident slide, citing it being Sunday.
"When I came onstage, some random heckler in the crowd said something vulgar to Mila," he told our Josh Horowitz. "So that's why I got a little upset. I did say somebody was going to get slapped, but I figure it's Sunday, I went to church, I'm feeling forgiving right now."
Good for that guy. Has he seen The Fighter?
Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg Deal with Dirtbags at the MTV Movie Awards Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/04/2012 Rating: 5

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