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Hollywood Honors Emma Stone at the MTV Movie Awards

While the idea of honoring a 23-year-old actress who has never been nominated for an Oscar as a "trailblazer" is ridiculous, MTV did so anyways, bestowing on Emma Stone the First Annual Trailblazer Award (which bothers me due to the "first annual" tag too). Now, don't get me wrong, I love Emma Stone. I think she's hilarious in everything she does. Superbad is one of my all-time favorite movies. I can't wait to see her in The Amazing Spider-Man this summer. Shouldn't a winner of a trailblazer award have actually blazed a trail though?

I think Stone even recognized the absurdity of the award, talking about real legends who she counts as her idols, people like Gilda Radner, Charlie Chaplin and Lorne Michaels. All people who the kids voting for the MTV Movie Awards probably have never even heard of.

All of this aside, MTV did put together a great video to honor Stone, bring in Steve Carell, Anna Faris, Mila Kunis, Octavia Spencer, Jason Sudeikis and Jim Carrey (in full creeper mode).

Hollywood Honors Emma Stone at the MTV Movie Awards Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/04/2012 Rating: 5

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