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It's Official: Jason Sudeikis Returns to 'Saturday Night Live'

After months of uncertainty, NBC has confirmed that Jason Sudeikis will still be a part of the Saturday Night Live cast when the show returns for its 38th season this weekend. Many thought Sudeikis would leave SNL along with Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg at the end of last season, citing the actor's rising movie career. Sudeikis himself never gave an actual answer, and his subdued behavior during SNL's farewell to Wiig made his SNL future even more vague.

The New York Times reports that Sudeikis' stay may just be through the election, quoting showrunner Lorne Michaels:
“Right now the idea is that Jason will go through at least until January,” Mr. Michaels said. But he did not foreclose the possibility that Mr. Sudeikis would be around for the full season. “He’s a fiercely loyal guy, both to the show and to me,” Mr. Michaels said.
My guess? Sudeikis stays through the election and inauguration if Mitt Romney wins. With the cast turnover its facing for this upcoming season (Abby Elliott also left), SNL isn't in the best position to find a new Romney with the presidential election hitting the home stretch.

It's Official: Jason Sudeikis Returns to 'Saturday Night Live' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/12/2012 Rating: 5

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