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'American Horror Story' Recap: 'Boy Parts'

I don't think American Horror Story was ever a show that was meant to be taken seriously, but the second episode of Coven seems to be asking the audience to go far beyond the realm of disbelief.

AHS has always been able to convey a sense of eeriness that, frankly, made the show so great. This season however, has taken a different approach — one that's more comedic rather than invoking fear. It's strange, really, because the characters we've seen in past seasons haven't changed much.

Jessica Lange is still mean to everyone. I'm starting to think she's like that in real life, because she's so good at it. Taissa Farmiga is the impressionable good girl who slowly starts to unravel. I suppose I can't comment on Evan Peters yet. Most of his lines this episode involved zombie gargles and head bashing against a car window.

I do miss the "horror story" element of the show, but maybe I just need time to warm up to the new direction we're seeing here in Season 2.

Popculturology Score: D

The Good
Angela Bassett. With a strong female-centric cast, Basset is one to look out for this season.

The scenes continue to be very well-crafted. Probably the best so far out of the three seasons. 

The Bad
Zoe (Farmiga) and Madison (Emma Roberts) re-build Kyle (Peters) by taking "the best body parts" and sewing them together. I was expecting the legs to be where the arms were.

I get the mythology element with Bastien's character, but I'm always going to laugh seeing him with the horse head. I can only imagine the actor saying, "This is my life now."
'American Horror Story' Recap: 'Boy Parts' Reviewed by Unknown on 10/17/2013 Rating: 5

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