'Fantastic Four' Casting: Michael B. Jordan 'Likely' for Human Torch; Miles Teller, Kit Harrington and Saoirse Ronan Also Rumored
We've known about Fox's Fantastic Four reboot for awhile, with Chronicle director Josh Trank being attached to helm the movie since July. With the movie reseting the franchise, Fantastic Four will see four new actors play the first family of superheroes. On Wednesday, Deadline reported that Fox is narrowing in on its Fantastic Four cast.
Chronicle and Fruitvale Station star Michael B. Jordan has long been rumored to play Johnny Storm. Of course, there are a ton of morons on the Internet who can't get over the fact that Jordan isn't a white guy. I mean, how will the Human Torch ever be the same if he's a black guy? EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER. According to Deadline, Jordan is "likely" to play the Human Torch.
When it comes to Reed Richards, Deadline reports that The Spectacular Now star Miles Teller, Game of Thrones' Kit Harrington and Jack O'Donnell are being looked at to play Mr. Fanastic.
Despite early reports having Girls actress Allison Williams as a possibility for Sue Storm, Deadline reports that The Host's Saoirse Ronan, House of Cards' Kate Mara and The Wolf of Wall Street's Margot Robbie are names being tossed around for the Invisible Woman. Apparently we now have to toss Ronan's name in whenever a franchise film is being cast now, with the actress previously being rumored for both The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars: Episode VII.
The new Fantastic Four movie will hit theaters on March 6, 2015.
Chronicle and Fruitvale Station star Michael B. Jordan has long been rumored to play Johnny Storm. Of course, there are a ton of morons on the Internet who can't get over the fact that Jordan isn't a white guy. I mean, how will the Human Torch ever be the same if he's a black guy? EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER. According to Deadline, Jordan is "likely" to play the Human Torch.
When it comes to Reed Richards, Deadline reports that The Spectacular Now star Miles Teller, Game of Thrones' Kit Harrington and Jack O'Donnell are being looked at to play Mr. Fanastic.
Despite early reports having Girls actress Allison Williams as a possibility for Sue Storm, Deadline reports that The Host's Saoirse Ronan, House of Cards' Kate Mara and The Wolf of Wall Street's Margot Robbie are names being tossed around for the Invisible Woman. Apparently we now have to toss Ronan's name in whenever a franchise film is being cast now, with the actress previously being rumored for both The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars: Episode VII.
The new Fantastic Four movie will hit theaters on March 6, 2015.
'Fantastic Four' Casting: Michael B. Jordan 'Likely' for Human Torch; Miles Teller, Kit Harrington and Saoirse Ronan Also Rumored
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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