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Morgan Freeman and Charlie Day Get 'The Lego Movie' Character Posters

I've made no secret of my adoration for The Lego Movie. Two new posters for the film released on Monday do little to temper those feelings. Kicking off what I'm guessing will be a lengthy series of character posters, were posters featuring Morgan Freeman's Vitruvius and Charlie Day's Benny the Spaceman.

While Freeman voicing a Lego character is obviously awesome, I love the fact that Benny has a broken helmet, as if he was actually a used Lego piece. I was talking to my brother the other day about The Lego Movie, and we agreed that there's at least one helmet with that exact snapped bar somewhere in our parents' basement. If Benny is featured in a The Lego Movie Lego set, will they pre-break his helmet?


Morgan Freeman and Charlie Day Get 'The Lego Movie' Character Posters Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/11/2013 Rating: 5

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