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Kevin Hart and Ice Cube Will Be Back for a 'Ride Along' Sequel

After Ride Along opened with $41.5 million and set a Martin Luther King Jr. weekend box office record, the odds were good that we'd see Kevin Hart and Ice Cube together again. According to a Deadline report on Tuesday, Universal Pictures already has Ride Along director Tim Story on board and is in negotiations with Hart and Cube.

Deadline does note that it's hard to figure out just when we'll see Ride Along 2 come together. Despite the studio's eagerness to get the movie rolling, Hart is quite a busy guy. He's already working with Story on other projects and has a movie costarring Will Ferrell coming out.

Story, who directed Fantastic Four and its sequel Silver Surfer, is finishing up Think Like A Man Too with Hart, Michaely Ealy and Packer which is scheduled to open June 20. Hart and Ealy starred together in this past weekend’s opener About Last Night which grossed roughly $27.8M over the four-day weekend for a solid No. 2 opening. Steve Pink directed. All — and I mean, very surprisingly ALL — are repped by UTA.

Hart is also starring with Will Ferrell in Warner Bros’ Get Hard to play the streetwise mentor to investment banker Ferrell who is trying to harden up before he starts serving a sentence in a maximum security prison for a crime he didn’t commit. That project’s schedule is from March to May with Joe Etan Cohen at the helm in what sounds like a pairing not unlike the good ol days of Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. One can hope for the same winning results.

The question is when these will all be scheduled. The Jeremy Garelick-written and -directed The Wedding Ringer, another Hart-starring/Packer-produced comedy, wrapped last November for Screen Gems/Miramax. Sony already announced the MLK holiday next year for The Wedding Ringer (Adam Fields is also producing) so it will be interesting to see when they decide to schedule Ride Along 2 and Get Hard.

Ride Along was OK, but sign me up for Get Hard. I mean, wait ... I just wanna see that movie starring Hart and Ferrell.
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube Will Be Back for a 'Ride Along' Sequel Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/19/2014 Rating: 5

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