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'The Lego Movie' Gets a 'Man of Steel'-Themed Commercial

Just when I thought Warner Bros. couldn't do anything to make me love The Lego Movie more, they go and roll out a commercial set to Hans Zimmer's Man of Steel theme. When Man of Steel was about to open, I had Zimmer's score on repeat, and really loved what he did to create a new theme for Superman. Whoever thought to set a The Lego Movie commercial to that theme is a genius.

How can Warner Bros. be so good when it comes to tying characters like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman into The Lego Movie but have so much trouble actually getting a Justice League movie going?

The Lego Movie comes out one week from Friday. So stoked.

'The Lego Movie' Gets a 'Man of Steel'-Themed Commercial Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/30/2014 Rating: 5

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