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Will Captain Phasma Return for STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII?

Kylo Ren may have his face plastered on every piece of Star Wars: The Force Awakens merchandise, but he's got competition when it comes to being the movie's breakout character: BB-8 and Captain Phasma.

I don't think there's ever been any question whether BB-8 would survive The Force Awakens, but Phasma's fate has always been up in the air. A mysterious and silent villain who captures fans' attention despite being a minor character? Sounds like we should sign Phasma up for lessons on surviving a fall into a Sarlacc pit.

Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy revealed to the Los Angeles Times that fans of Phasma have nothing to worry about. The chrome-armored First Order soldier will be back for Star Wars: Episode VIII.

But you won't see Phasma tapping out after being carelessly knocked into a sarlacc pit like a wobbly toddler. Kennedy has big plans for Phasma and confirmed that the captain will carry on into the next movie. "She's an important character, a baddie in the best sense of the word."

Lucasfilm hasn't made any official cast announcements for Episode VIII yet, but looks like we can include Gwendoline Christie.
Will Captain Phasma Return for STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 12/04/2015 Rating: 5

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