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Your Guide to Melissa McCarthy Hosting 'Saturday Night Live' Tomorrow

Melissa McCarthy will host Saturday Night Live this Saturday with music guest Phoenix. Here's what you need to know about the upcoming episode.

Has McCarthy hosted SNL before?
Yup. This is her second time.

What do we know McCarthy from?
While McCarthy was already known to Gilmore Girls fans, the rest of the world learned who she was thanks to her Oscar-nominated role in Bridesmaids and her Emmy-winning performance in Mike and Molly. McCarthy delivered one of the best episodes of SNL last season, but has unfortunately appeared in mediocre comedies like Identity Thief since then. 

Has Phoenix appeared on SNL before?
Nope. This will be the band's first SNL appearance. 

Anything we should expect from this episode?
When it comes to McCarthy being on the show again, expect to see her reprise her roles as a horny office worker and as a salad dressing taste-tester. As for big news events that SNL could target, the show's been off for a few weeks, so there's a lot of material. North Korea and Kim Jong Un should expect to be mocked. Another cruise ran into trouble, so there's the chance Cecily Strong and Jason Sudeikis could come back as their cruise entertainment director characters. Will SNL tackle the Jimmy Fallon-for-Jay Leno swap on The Tonight Show?
Your Guide to Melissa McCarthy Hosting 'Saturday Night Live' Tomorrow Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/05/2013 Rating: 5

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