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More 'HIMYM' Deleted Scenes: Robin and The Mother Perform 'Let's Go to the Mall,' the Pineapple Incident

How many scenes that were shot for the How I Met Your Mother series finale wound up getting cut? We already know that there may be something explaining why Narrator Ted sounded like Bob Saget and a scene between an older Ted and Robin. According to HIMYM prop master David Baker, there's a lot more that didn't make it to air.

Through his Twitter account, Baker posted several photos from the finale and answered fans questions about scenes that got cut. Among the highlights are a shot of Robin singing "Let's Go to the Mall" while The Mother plays bass during the wedding reception. Even the robot was there. Argh. There's an alternative version of "Last Forever" out there that would be legendary.

Baker also revealed that they did shoot a scene that would explain the pineapple incident, but that too got cut.

Interestingly enough, Baker also told a fan that when he found out about the series ending, he was "shocked and not happy about it! It took me a while to accept." Maybe we'll all come to accept this too one day.

Thanks to Vulture for first catching Baker's tweet about Robin Sparkles.
More 'HIMYM' Deleted Scenes: Robin and The Mother Perform 'Let's Go to the Mall,' the Pineapple Incident Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/03/2014 Rating: 5

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