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FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot Suits Up in New Images

I've mentioned it before and I'll mention it again — it's awfully strange that a movie that hits theaters in less than five months has seen so little promotion. The Fantastic Four reboot opens on Aug. 7, and we've only gotten a trailer and few pictures from the movie.

Four new images from Fanatic Four trickled out on Thursday, with Total Film magazine publishing four pictures. Considering the movie is called Fantastic Four and there are four main heroes, you'd think that each picture would be of one of the team's members.

You'd be wrong.

There's a shot of Michael B. Jordan as the Human Torch/Johnny Storm, one of Kate Mara as the Invisible Woman/Sue Storm and two of Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards. Nothing of Jamie Bell as The Thing/Ben Grimm.

Fantastic Four is directed by Josh Trank.
FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot Suits Up in New Images Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 3/12/2015 Rating: 5

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