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'Amazing Spider-Man' Clip: Does Denis Leary Look Like the Mayor of Tokyo to You?

With the way Sony is releasing clips, we're going to have enough footage to piece together a rough cut of The Amazing Spider-Man by the end of the week. Over the past 24 hours, we've gotten looks at Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy in the Oscorp labs and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man swinging through the streets of New York. This latest clip shows Peter Parker trying to convince Denis Leary's Capt. Stacy that there really is a giant lizard rampaging through the city.

One thing that can't be argued about this reboot is how almost pitch perfect director Marc Webb and Garfield have gotten Parker's mannerisms and dialogue. Garfield is Peter Parker.

'Amazing Spider-Man' Clip: Does Denis Leary Look Like the Mayor of Tokyo to You? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/06/2012 Rating: 5

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