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Weekend Box Office Roundup (July 6-8)

1. The Amazing Spider-Man (N)
$65.00 million ($140.00 million)
By the time The Amazing Spider-Man swung into its first weekend, the film had already burned off $75 million. That's what opening the Tuesday before Independence Day will get you. While comparing holiday weekends to normal weekends bugs me, the bottom line is that The Amazing Spider-Man did very, very well no matter how you look at it.

Can The Amazing Spider-Man hold onto the box office crown next weekend with Ice Age: Continental Drift debuting? The Ice Age sequel has already trumped Spidey internationally, so expect to see that movie enjoy one weekend as America's No. 1 movie. The Dark Knight Rises premiers the following weekend, and we all know how that box office battle is going to play out.

2. Ted (1)
$32.59 million ($120.24 million)
Ted is now $20 million ahead of where The Hangover was at the second-weekend mark, continuing to outpace the R-rated classic. I have the feeling that Ted is going to have some remarkable staying power over the next few weeks, with only The Watch serving as competition in the R-rated comedy category.

3. Brave (1)
$20.12 million ($174.52 million)
Brave has now moved past A Bug's Life to take No. 12 on the all-time Pixar office chart. The film actually held on stronger than I predicted it would in this past weekend, but I'm going to predict that changes when Ice Age: Continental Drift is the new animated film premier.

4. Savages (N)
$16.16 million ($16.16 million)
I've seen a couple sites making a big deal out of the fact that Savages had the third biggest opening in Oliver Stone's career, but $16.16 million? Big deal. This film has zero buzz right now, and isn't going anywhere after this weekend. If you saw it, you saw it because you're a Stone fan or the poor word of mouth didn't get to you yet. Come next weekend, that audience will be depleted.

5. Magic Mike (2)
$15.61 million ($72.80 million)
So Magic Mike didn't have the stamina to keep going at the box office for a second weekend? Cymbal crash.

Next week's predictions:
1. Ice Age: Continental Drift
2. The Amazing Spider-Man
3. Ted
4. Brave
5. Magic Mike

Weekend Box Office Roundup (July 6-8) Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/09/2012 Rating: 5

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