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Peter Mayhew Back as Chewbacca for 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

Break out your holographic chess boards — Chewbacca is back. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Peter Mayhew will once again portray the Wookiee in Star Wars: Episode VII.

Rumors recently surfaced that he was reprising his role after he canceled an upcoming appearance at Texas convention Comicpalooza "due to filming." Since the convention takes place May 23-26, many fans wondered if that meant the actor would be busy with Episode VII.

Mayhew has played Chewbacca in four Star Wars films, including the Original Trilogy and Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith.

With filming already underway on the Star Wars sequel, director JJ Abrams and Disney should be making some major casting announcements soon. (May 4, maybe?) For now, though, it's been reported that Adam Driver will be playing a villain in the movie, and it's been widely accepted that Original Trilogy stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher will back too.

With Episode VII taking place 35 years after Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi, fans should expect to see favorites like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca.

The addition of Chewbacca to Star Wars: Episode VII does render the Expanded Universe of books and comics taking place after Return of the Jedi moot now, as Chewbacca was killed off in the 1999 novel Vector Prime.
Peter Mayhew Back as Chewbacca for 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/07/2014 Rating: 5

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