BOX OFFICE: 'Snow White' Slays 'Men in Black 3' for Top Spot
Showing that Kristen Stewart can carry a movie other than Twilight, Snow White and the Huntsman opened to an estimated $56.26 million this weekend. The dark reboot of the classic fairy tale dropped Men in Black 3, last week's champion, to No. 2. The Will Smith sequel brought in an estimated $29.30 million this past weekend. The Avengers, now No. 3 on the all-time domestic box office chart, found itself in third place for the first time, with $20.73 million.
I almost used a "Snow White Fairest of Them All at the Box Office" headline for this article, but no, we're better than that.
I almost used a "Snow White Fairest of Them All at the Box Office" headline for this article, but no, we're better than that.
BOX OFFICE: 'Snow White' Slays 'Men in Black 3' for Top Spot
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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