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Morphin' Time: Lionsgate and Saban Brands Partner for 'Power Rangers' Movie Reboot

For a new generation of moviegoers, it's almost morphin' time.

Saban Brands and Lionsgate announced on Monday that they were partnering to produce a new Power Rangers movie. While Power Rangers have been on TV for several decades now, the franchise hasn't hit the big screen since 1997 with Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie.

Funny story: Back in college, my roommate and I actually brainstormed what a modern-day Power Rangers movie reboot would look like. We called it Power Rangers in Iraq, and it would've opened with the Power Rangers trying to end the War in Iraq.

Just imagine how poorly Zords would work in sand. The movie would've opened with one of the Power Rangers dying in a terrorist attack. Power Rangers in Iraq would have had an all-star cast playing the Rangers, with the exception of the White Ranger, who would have been played by Jason David Frank. He's obviously the only person who should ever play Tommy.

Frank has previously revealed that he's had conversations with Saban about breaking his character off into his own standalone film.

"The Green Ranger has definitely had an impact on people's lives," Frank told the Miami Herald in a June 2013 interview. "That's why I’m talking to [Haim] Saban about separating the franchise from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to the Green Ranger, kind of like X-Men and Wolverine. I think the Green Ranger in its own self can stand on itself. We’re talking about movies and other stuff like that. So we will see what happens."

I guess they'd have to write around Tommy's Green Ranger crystal losing its power for that to happen, but it's nice to know that Jason David Frank shares my line of thinking when it comes to Jason David Frank. You can't do a Power Rangers reboot without him.
Morphin' Time: Lionsgate and Saban Brands Partner for 'Power Rangers' Movie Reboot Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/07/2014 Rating: 5

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