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BOX OFFICE REPORT (FEB. 14-16): 'The Lego Movie' Stays Awesome, Holds Off Kevin Hart and 'RoboCop'

1. The Lego Movie (1st)
Weekend gross: $48.8 million / Total domestic gross: $129.1 million / 
Percent drop: 29.3
So we can all agree now that The Lego Movie is, like, the greatest thing ever, right? I mean, I've seen it three times already, so I think I'm an expert when it comes to evaluating awesomeness. Witnessing a movie that's as creative and smart and intelligent as The Lego Movie also set records at the box office (biggest four-day President's Day weekend gross, if you count Monday's numbers) is amazing.

2. About Last Night (N)
Weekend gross: $27.0 million / Total domestic gross: $27.0 million / 
Percent drop: NA
The latest Kevin Hart movie didn't open at No. 1, but $27 million for second place isn't too shabby.

3. RoboCop (N)
Weekend gross: $21.5 million / Total domestic gross: $21.5 million / 
Percent drop: NA
I really thought the RoboCop remake would flop. Opening with $21.5 million doesn't make it a blockbuster, but it's a decent first frame.

4. The Monuments Men (2nd)
Weekend gross: $15.0 million / Total domestic gross: $43.7 million / 
Percent drop: 31.8
Idea for Hollywood to steal: The Monuments Men/Inglourious Basterds mashup.

5. Endless Love (N)
Weekend gross: $13.4 million / Total domestic gross: $13.4 million / 
Percent drop: NA
Even the No. 5 movie brought in more than $10 million. We'll all forget that Endless Love ever existed in less than a week, but it can celebrate that accomplishment for now.

Next week's predictions
1. The Lego Movie
2. About Last Night
3. Three Days to Kill
4. RoboCop
5. Pompeii

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (FEB. 14-16): 'The Lego Movie' Stays Awesome, Holds Off Kevin Hart and 'RoboCop' Reviewed by Unknown on 2/18/2014 Rating: 5

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