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Last Night's 'Conan': Joel McHale and Nina Dobrev (Conan's New Favorite Guest)

Conan O'Brien had Community's Joel McHale on his show last night, reminding the world that celebrities are actually real people and do mundane things like hang out with each other's families or exchange recipes. McHale is always great on Conan, and it's obvious that McHale is Team Conan and Conan is Team Community.

Nina Dobrev, an actress on The Vampire Diaries (a show that I've never seen), was Conan's second guest. Their exchange started out with some basic "let's make vampire faces" actions. When Conan brought up yoga, the show advanced to another level — or at least, Conan and Dobrev's relationship advanced to another level. Check out Dobrev's yoga demonstration after the jump.

Conan's victory lap after the demonstration is priceless. The past few weeks of Conan have been really good, which makes the Kathy Griffin episode that I saw in person seem disappointing.
Last Night's 'Conan': Joel McHale and Nina Dobrev (Conan's New Favorite Guest) Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/10/2012 Rating: 5

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