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Christian Bale Visits Shooting Victims (Is a Really Awesome Guy)

Christian Bale spent several hours on Tuesday in Aurora, Colo., visiting victims of last week's movie theater shooting. According to Warner Bros., "Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Bros.," which only makes this story cooler. No one made the actor do this. He wasn't forced to go to Medical Center of Aurora as a PR move. This was an actor realizing that something as simple as his stopping by to check in on people who were shot during his movie (like Carey Rottman, pictured above) could go a long way.

It's nice to know that there are celebrities out there who get it, who understand that they're extremely lucky to be in the place they're in, and that sometimes they have the power to brighten the lives of their fans. For every Lindsay Lohan, there's a Christian Bale stopping by a hospital or a Johnny Depp appearing at a school in full Jack Sparrow garb just because some kid wished he would.

Bale doing something this simple yet so awesome makes me want to see The Dark Knight Rises again ... again.
Christian Bale Visits Shooting Victims (Is a Really Awesome Guy) Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/24/2012 Rating: 5

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