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NBC Claims It Doesn't Hate 'Community,' Says Show Might Live On Beyond Season 4

After NBC dumped show creator Dan Harmon in the dead of night and sent the show to Fridays, no one would've called you crazy had you guessed that NBC hated Community and was actively trying to destroy it. Networks don't treat shows or the people who bring them those shows like that if they like the shows. That said, NBC chairman Robert Greenblatt announced today that he would love to see Community succeed and possibly live on pass its fourth season. TVLine has the info:
At the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour in Beverly Hills on Tuesday, Peacock chairman Robert Greenblatt maintained that the cult fave is not necessarily heading into its final season.” I would love nothing more than for Community to have a following on Friday and continue,” he told reporters, adding that the decision to move the show off Thursdays was part of a larger plan to “broaden the audience” of its sitcoms.
Not only does Greenblatt supposedly actually like Community, but the NBC chairman now claims that Community isn't going to change with Harmon gone, and that no disrespect was meant in firing Harmon.
Regarding the ouster of showrunner Dan Harmon, Greenblatt said, “I think the fans of Community are going to get the same show that they have loved from the beginning. Every so often, it’s time to make a change with the showrunner. You sort of evaluate the creative and how the show is run and how the writing staff works… [and] sometimes you want to freshen the show. We just decided it was time to do that on Community. No disrespect to anyone.”
Wow. "No disrepect to anyone?" You don't fire a show creator in the middle of the night without telling him first, forcing him to discover that his show had been taken away from him through Twitter. That's the definition of disrespect, NBC.
NBC Claims It Doesn't Hate 'Community,' Says Show Might Live On Beyond Season 4 Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/24/2012 Rating: 5

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