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Is 'Girls' Star Allison Williams the 'Fantastic Four' Reboot's Invisible Woman?

The answer to this is article's headline is a resounding "maybe." There's probably even a question mark after that "maybe," Ron Burgundy-style. There's not much news on the Fantastic Four reboot front, but Deadline let it slip on Tuesday that the Josh Trank-directed movie has Girls star Allison Williams on its short list. The site didn't offer who Williams is being considered to play, but we're obviously talking about Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman, here, right? It would be kind of weird if Williams was playing The Thing.

Jessica Alba played the Invisible Woman in Fantastic Four and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, but with the exception of Chris Evans' portrayal of the Human Torch, those movies were awful. Williams would be a different casting direction than Alba was. While the actress is known for her role in Girls, her appearances on The Mindy Project or the fact that NBC anchorman Brian Williams is her dad, I don't the regular moviegoing public is familiar with her like they were with Alba. Does Trank, the director behind Chronicle, see Williams as a blonde?
Is 'Girls' Star Allison Williams the 'Fantastic Four' Reboot's Invisible Woman? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/01/2013 Rating: 5

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