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'Gravity' Gets an IMAX Poster

There are very few movies that will drive me to see them at an IMAX theater. The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises were two of those movies, and that was because Christopher Nolan shot them with an IMAX camera. I'm not really interested in seeing a movie that's been scaled up to fit an IMAX screen, just like a movie that was converted to 3D really doesn't catch my attention. (Actually, most 3D movies don't catch my attention. It's a gimmick, and a failing one at that.)

Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity? That's going to be a very tempting IMAX movie. The way Cuaron shoots films all but begs to be seen on the giant IMAX screens. Even though Gravity doesn't hit theaters until Oct. 4, the chain is already promoting its presentation of the film with a special poster. I'm not sure if the lone astronaut on the poster is George Clooney or Sandra Bullock, but it looks pretty awesome.

Head past the jump to check out the IMAX poster for Gravity.

'Gravity' Gets an IMAX Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/31/2013 Rating: 5

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