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TRAILER: Will Alfonso Cuaron's 'Gravity' Be the Greatest Space Film of All Time?

I love hyperbole as much as the next person who writes on the Internet, but the headline of this article shouldn't be taken as such, not when James Cameron is the one offering that praise. After seeing Gravity, the director said "it’s the best space film ever done." That's pretty high praise coming from the guy who directed Aliens.

For those of us not lucky enough to see Gravity yet, Alfonso Cuaron's upcoming film got a new full-length trailer on Wednesday. The film continues to look stunning, with the new trailer delivering a feeling of extreme claustrophobia. Remember those people who couldn't make it through Cloverfield without feeling motion sick? I think we're going to hear that same kind of thing when it comes to Gravity. That's not a knock on the film in any way, though. Cuaron has created something original and groundbreaking here. In a world of Turbos and Grown Ups 2s, we need films like Gravity.

Head past the jump to check out the new trailer. Gravity stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney and hits theaters on Oct. 4.

TRAILER: Will Alfonso Cuaron's 'Gravity' Be the Greatest Space Film of All Time? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/04/2013 Rating: 5

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