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TRAILER: Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence Get Their 'American Hustle' On

First off, let me apologize for the quality of the American Hustle trailer that debuted on Wednesday. I guess premiering trailers for movies with Oscar potential during Good Morning America with logos and other crap slapped on top of them is the new thing. Ugh. UPDATE: A real version of the trailer has been poster. Whew ...

Anyways, David O. Russell was on GMA on Wednesday, which served as our chance to see the first trailer for the director's follow-up to Silver Linings Playbook. We got a few pictures from the movie earlier in the week, but this is the first actual video we've seen. The trailer is light on plot but heavy on actors like Christian Bale in full-on Oscar mode. Oh, and there's Bradley Cooper wearing hair curlers.

American Hustle is set during the Abscam sting during the 1970s and 1980s, and stars Bale, Amy Adams, Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner, Louis CK and Michael Pena. The movie hits theaters on Dec. 13. Head past the jump to check out the first trailer for American Hustle courtesy of BleedingCool.

TRAILER: Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence Get Their 'American Hustle' On Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/31/2013 Rating: 5

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