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Your Day in Pop Culture (Monday, Sept. 9, 2013)

This Day in Pop Culture History
1791: Washington, D.C., is named after President George Washington. Some day, we'll name a city after Channing Tatum for saving Washington, D.C.
1956: Elvis Presley appears on The Ed Sullivan Show. He swivels his hips. Someone tell Miley Cyrus that there's more to being provocative than sexualized teddy bears.

Famous People Have Birthdays Too
1941: Otis Redding, musician
1960: Hugh Grant, actor (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones's Diary, About a Boy, Love Actually)
1965: Constance Marie, actress (George Lopez, Selena)
1966: Adam Sandler, actor (Saturday Night Live, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, Big Daddy, a ton of awful movies that you should never pay to see)
1971: Eric Stonestreet, actor (Modern Family)
1975: Michael Buble, singer

Who's On What Tonight: Your Guide to Late-Night TV
CONAN: Justified's Patton Oswalt, economist Robert Reich, comedian Tony Deyo
LETTERMAN: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, The Office creator Ricky Gervais, singer Janelle Monae
KIMMEL: Full House's John Stamos, Planes' Cedric the Entertainer, music group Holy Ghost!
LENO: How I Met Your Mother's Martin Short, Raising McCain's Meghan McCain, music group Backstreet Boys
FALLON: Family Feud's Steve Harvey, the cast of Duck Dynasty
FERGUSON: Star Trek Into Darkness' Alice Eve
Your Day in Pop Culture (Monday, Sept. 9, 2013) Reviewed by Popculturology on 9/09/2013 Rating: 5

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