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Has ORPHAN BLACK Star Tatiana Maslany Won a STAR WARS Spinoff Leading Role?

After the Star Wars prequel trilogy launched an era of clones in the franchise's universe, has an actress with her own experience playing clones won a leading role in the first Star Wars spinoff? According to Total Geeks, Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany has landed the lead female role in director Gareth Edwards' standalone Star Wars movie.

Total Geeks doesn't have the details on what Maslany's role will be, but the site does point to the fact that the Entertainment Weekly just reported that Amanda Seyfried would be replacing Maslany in the off-Broadway play The Way We Get By. Mislay "withdrew from the previously-announced production due to film scheduling conflicts."

Hmmm, scheduling conflicts.

We heard last week that Maslany was among a handful of actresses that Edwards and Lucasfilm were looking at for this lead female role. Kate Mara, Rooney Mara and Felicity Jones were all reportedly up for the role too.

The first Star Wars spinoff movie is set to hit theaters on Dec. 16, 2016, so we should start hearing some real news about the movie soon.

UPDATE: TheWrap is reporting that Maslany will star in Two Lovers and a Bear with Dane DeHaan, citing this film as the reason the actress dropped out of The Way We Get By.
Has ORPHAN BLACK Star Tatiana Maslany Won a STAR WARS Spinoff Leading Role? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/30/2015 Rating: 5

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