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STAR WARS REBELS Season Finale Reveals Secret Jedi Identity of Fulcrum

Ahsoka Tano has returned. Many Star Wars fans had a hunch that the hooded Fulcrum from Star Wars Rebels was really the former Jedi apprentice, and the show revealed just that during its Season 1 finale on Monday night.

The character became a fan favorite during Star Wars: The Clone Wars. When Disney purchased Lucasfilm and ended that series to begin production on Star Wars Rebels, we were left wondering what happened to Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order. Did she survive Order 66? Was she working with Captain Rex? Would she return in Star Wars: Episode VII?

Star Wars Rebels revealed that Ahsoka did survive and is now a leader of the fledgling rebellion alongside Bail Organa. To Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni, Ahsoka has now evolved from her former padawan status to someone who can guide Kanan and Ezra as they connect with the Force.

"She's a person who has a lot of her own trials that she still needs to get through," Filoni told USA Today. "Obi-Wan spoke about these Clone Wars and these things that had gone by, and she can be that in an active way for Ezra and Kanan."

According to USA Today, there were 12 episodes of The Clone Wars left on the table when the show ended. Filoni had worked up a timeline that took Ahsoka up to Order 66.

We'll see more of Ahsoka during Season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. As you can see in the photo above, the former Jedi kept her old fighting stance but has adopted two new lightsabers. Instead of the two regular-sized green lightsabers Ahsoka brandished during the Clone Wars, the character now has two white lightsabers of different lengths.

The second season premiere of Star Wars Rebels will debut at Celebration Anaheim in April. No word yet on when the series will officially return to Disney XD.
STAR WARS REBELS Season Finale Reveals Secret Jedi Identity of Fulcrum Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 3/03/2015 Rating: 5

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