OSCARINDEX: 'Silver Linings Playbook' Continues Surge, 'Zero Dark Thirty' Breaks Into Top Ten
The Bill Kuchman Chronicle OscarIndex is a nifty chart of the top ten films that you should be paying attention to in order to be ready for the the Oscars. Each film on the list is assigned an OscarIndex number, with the No. 1 film getting a score of 100. The following nine films then get OscarIndex numbers based on how much buzz they have going into the Academy Awards compared to the No. 1 film.
Over the past week, the OscarIndex has seen a few significant changes. While The Master still remains on top (and thus stays at a 100 score), the gap between it and its competition is narrowing. Lincoln ticks up to a 68 score, but Silver Linings Playbook continues is rapid ascent, jumping from No. 4 to now standing tied with Lincoln at No. 2. Les Misérables drops to the No. 4 even though saw an eight-point increase in its score. Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty finally cracks into the top ten, tying Moonrise Kingdom for the No. 9 spot. While Hitchcock, which stars Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren is expected to be in the Oscar conversation, the film has yet to make an impact on the OscarIndex.
Head past the jump to check out the full OscarIndex: September 25, 2012 Edition.
OSCARINDEX: 'Silver Linings Playbook' Continues Surge, 'Zero Dark Thirty' Breaks Into Top Ten
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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