4 SCR & 7 YRS AGO? Daniel Day-Lewis Sent Sally Field Texts as Abraham Lincoln
Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and Steven Spielberg sat down with Time for an interview about Lincoln, their upcoming Oscar-worthy film about the final months of the life of our sixteenth president. Day-Lewis' legendary habit of completely committing to a role was the focus of the article, with Field offering one of the most interesting stories.
Head past the jump to check out the full Time cover.
“I’d hear that twinkle-twinkle on my phone, and he would have sent me some ridiculous limerick,” says Field, who plays the 16th President’s wife Mary Todd in the new film Lincoln. “He’d sign it, ‘Yours, A.’ I would text back as Mary, criticizing him for the waste of his time when he might have been pursuing something more productive.”You gotta love Daniel Day-Lewis. While the American edition of Time's cover has the actor made up to look like Abraham Lincoln, the international editions all have Day-Lewis himself featured with the headline "The World's Greatest Actor." I can't really argue that one.
Head past the jump to check out the full Time cover.
4 SCR & 7 YRS AGO? Daniel Day-Lewis Sent Sally Field Texts as Abraham Lincoln
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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