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January Jones Probably Won't Be Back as Emma Frost in 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Emma Frost has become one of the X-Men's more iconic members, so the news that January Jones won't be back in X-Men: Days of Future Past to portray the character is a bit surprising. Collider broke the news on Wednesday, with Jones filling in the site on whether or not director Bryan Singer had contacted her about the sequel to X-Men: First Class.
“I don’t know that I’m in it, I don’t think Emma’s in this one. Well they haven’t told me if I am (laughs). I wouldn’t put it past them though, I got the script for the first one on the airplane on the way there. It’s called Days of Future Past I think, and I think it’s more about James [McAvoy] and Michael [Fassbender] and then Patrick [Stewart] and Ian [McKellan], and I think it’s gonna go back and forth with those so I don’t think Emma’s in those bits. I don’t know, I really don’t know.”
Say what you want about Jones' acting (and people do have a lot to say about Jones' acting), but it strikes me as odd to build up Emma Frost in First Class, setting her up as Magneto's answer to Xavier's telepathic powers. If Days of Future Past is going to drop Frost again, it'll be the second dead-end for the character, adding to the fact that X-Men Origins: Wolverine featured a young but completely out-of-timeline cameo by the character. However, that movie was awful, and we should all pretend it never existed.
January Jones Probably Won't Be Back as Emma Frost in 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/23/2013 Rating: 5

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