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Katherine Webb Will Cover the Super Bowl for 'Inside Edition'

Brent Musburger, set your DVR — Katherine Webb will be covering the Super Bowl for Inside Edition. The girlfriend of Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron/2012 Miss Alabama/upcoming Swimsuit Issue model broke the news on Twitter on Wednesday, tweeting: "So excited to be chosen to cover the Super Bowl XLVII for @InsideEdition in New Orleans!"

While the popular response to this news has been to ask what qualifies Webb to cover the Super Bowl (her only non-model work experience listed on Wikipedia is Chick-fil-A training director), I'd like to offer a more important question: What qualifies Inside Edition to cover the Super Bowl? Seriously, I didn't even know that Inside Edition counted football reporting as part of its mission. Apparently anyone can cover any subject for any outlet now. I can't wait for Kate Upton's Entertainment Tonight report on the upcoming debt ceiling battle. (OK, I'd totally watch that.)
Katherine Webb Will Cover the Super Bowl for 'Inside Edition' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/17/2013 Rating: 5

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