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Your Day in Pop Culture (Monday, April 29, 2013)

This Day in Pop Culture History
1953: The first 3D TV broadcast is experimented with in Los Angeles. For history's sake, it thankfully wasn't Two and a Half Men.
2004: Oldsmobile builds their final car, ending 107 years of production. Popculturology's Seth Pohorence is still the proud owner of an Olds.

Famous People Have Birthdays Too
1938: Bernie Madoff, billionaire thief
1947: Tommy James, singer (Tommy James and the Shondells)
1952: Nora Dunn, comedian (Saturday Night Live)
1954: Jerry Seinfeld, comedian (Seinfeld, Bee Movie)
1957: Daniel Day-Lewis, god-like actor (My Left Foot, Lincoln, There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York)
1958: Michelle Pfeiffer, actress (Batman Returns, Scarface, Dangerous Liasons, Dangerous Minds)
1970: Uma Thurman, actress (Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Batman and Robin)
1981: Alex Vincent, actor (Childs Play series)

Who's On What Tonight: Your Guide to Late-Night TV
CONAN: How to Live With Your Parents' Brad Garrett, Inside Amy Schumer's Amy Schumer, music group Old Crow Medicine Show
LETTERMAN: Nada Bakos, musician Ben Harper
KIMMEL: How I Met Your Mother's Martin Short, The Family Tools' Leah Remini, music group Zac Brown Band
LENO: Iron Man 3's Ben Kingsley, Pixar killer Larry the Cable Guy, music group The Band Perry
FALLON: Pain and Gain's Rebel Wilson, CNN's Anthony Bourdain, the latest Celebrity Apprentice castoff, Parks and Recreation's Retta
FERGUSON: The West Wing's Mary McCormack, Parks and Recreation's Jim O'Heir
Your Day in Pop Culture (Monday, April 29, 2013) Reviewed by Popculturology on 4/29/2013 Rating: 5

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