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Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christopher Eccleston Get New 'Thor: The Dark World' Posters

You gotta give Marvel credit for trying to give Natalie Portman more to do in Thor: The Dark World. The actress was limited to being a simple plot device and damsel in distress in the first Thor movie, and while she definitely seems to be featured more in the upcoming sequel, I still get the feeling that Portman's Jane Foster is going to be a pawn again. It may have been cheesy, but even Pepper Potts got to fight some bad guys in Iron Man 3. This is Natalie Portman we're talking about. It shouldn't be hard to build a movie around her.

Portman is on one of the two new Thor: The Dark World posters that debuted on Thursday, but she's stuck sharing a poster with Chris Hemsworth's Thor. Of course, she's not doing anything badass, instead just allowing the big guy with the fancy hammer to protect her. Chris Eccleston's Malekith (the movie's main, non-Loki villain) gets his own poster.

Thor: The Dark World opens on Nov. 8. Head past the jump to check out the two new posters for the movie.

Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christopher Eccleston Get New 'Thor: The Dark World' Posters Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/06/2013 Rating: 5

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