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Batman, Nick Fury and Commissioner Gordon Get Together to Build a Rebooted 'RoboCop'

Was anyone asking for a RoboCop reboot? At some point, all of these reboots — RoboCop, Dredd — just start blurring together. This one is going to be a tough sell too. It would be one thing if a huge name were playing the title character, but RoboCop has The Killing's Joel Kinnaman as its lead. No offense to Kinnaman, but I don't think the average moviegoer knows who he is. Not many families gathering around the TV to watch The Killing after they finish binging on episodes of The Big Bang Theory.

We got our first official look at RoboCop on Thursday when a trailer for the movie was released. The basic setup of the franchise seems to be the same. Cop gets injured. Cop becomes a cyborg. Cop has to deal with new robotic life. In addition to Kinnaman, RoboCop stars Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish and Jackie Earle Haley.

Head past the jump to check out the trailer for RoboCop. The movie hits theaters on Feb. 7, 2014.

Batman, Nick Fury and Commissioner Gordon Get Together to Build a Rebooted 'RoboCop' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/06/2013 Rating: 5

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