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Amy Poehler on Cecily Strong as a 'Weekend Update' Anchor: 'She's Crushing It'

Saturday Night Live is in the midst of a rebirth right now, and Cecily Strong's addition to the Weekend Update desk is a big part of that. Ever since Strong burst onto the SNL scene last season, it's been clear that she would play a role in the future of the show. Lorne Michaels made her Seth Meyer's co-anchor on Weekend Update, putting her in the prime position of taking over the segment after Meyers moves on to host Late Night.

Former Weekend Update anchor and SNL icon Tina Fey already threw her support behind Strong when she hosted the season premiere. On Wednesday, Fey's Weekend Update partner in crime (well, her second Weekend Update partner in crime) Amy Poehler as weighed in on Strong's first few episodes as an anchor.

"She's crushing it," the Parks and Recreation star told TV Guide. "She's so great. I sent her flowers on her first day and just wrote 'Strong, Strong,' because she's awesome. She's a huge talent."

I wouldn't be surprised to see another former Weekend Update anchor return to host SNL this season, whether it's Poehler or Jimmy Fallon. With his pick of Fey as the season premiere host, Michaels has demonstrated that he's not afraid to lean on his veterans this season. I'd love to see another one of them interact with Strong on Weekend Update.
Amy Poehler on Cecily Strong as a 'Weekend Update' Anchor: 'She's Crushing It' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/17/2013 Rating: 5

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