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TRAILER: Like Its Monster, 'I, Frankstein' Is Pretty Much a Bunch of Corpse Pieces

OK, I'm going to try to decipher the first trailer for I, Frankenstein the best I can. Aaron Eckhart plays Adam, the name given to Frankenstein's monster. I'm guessing this was supposed to be a clever Biblical reference. Somehow, the monster has lived for 200 years. I'm not quite sure how that works. Just because he was brought back to life by Dr. Frankenstein doesn't necessarily mean he became immortal. I missed that part when I read Frankenstein during senior year of high school.

So now Frankenstein's monster is in present day, but he has to fight gargoyles that spit fire and may be led by Bill Nighy ... ? Of course, Adam is the only person who can save humanity from either those gargoyles or an army of undead monsters. Not really clear who's on whose side based on the trailer.

Adam also has a love interest played by Dexter's Yvonne Strahovski who says things like, "You're only a monster if you behave like one." Actually, I'm pretty sure the fact that he's pieced together from a bunch of corpses makes him a monster. Geez.

Anyways, head past the jump to check out the first trailer for I, Frankenstein to see if you can figure out what's going on any better than I was able to. The movie hits theaters on Jan. 24, 2014.

TRAILER: Like Its Monster, 'I, Frankstein' Is Pretty Much a Bunch of Corpse Pieces Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/04/2013 Rating: 5

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